The Mercian Regiment:
A Proud Legacy The Mercian Regiment is the modern descendant of the ancient kingdom of Mercia, which ruled the Midlands for centuries. Formed in 2007 by merging three regiments, it has two battalions that specialize in armoured infantry, using tanks and vehicles to strike fast and hard. The regiment draws its soldiers from the five counties of Cheshire, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire and Worcestershire, reflecting its regional identity and heritage. The regiment honours its predecessors by wearing their cap badges and colours, and by celebrating their battle honours and traditions, such as the Crich Memorial.

For the first fourteen years of the regiment any volunteer in need of assistance had to rely entirely on outside agencies such as the Army Benevolent Fund, the goodwill of other Regimental Associations, and in desperation the kindness of other volunteers. Only one of the County Regimental Associations' constitutions allowed them to help other units within the county who wore a different cap badge. It was therefore felt by many volunteers, past and present, that the time had come to cement the family aspects of the Regiment on a more secure footing and to be in a position to help ourselves. Some of you will recall that there were several tragedies. The only help available has already been mentioned. It made sense, therefore, that we formed an association in order to relieve any hardship that might be suffered in the future. We were also advised by the ABF to consider this course of action seriously. It is the aim of the Association to offer immediate help to any member of Mercian should the need arise. It is understood that this help will merely supplement that offered by way of insurance, the MOD, ABF, The Royal British Legion, SSAFA and other agencies. Sadly the Association was unable to build up a reserve of funds owing to the disbandment of the Regiment in 1988. Therefore, the extent of the help available is small and diminishing. It is hoped that ex-members will join the Association and help build up the funds. Life membership is set at a very modest £5. Membership is open to all ranks, both volunteer and regular members who have served in both battalions and the Worcestershire and Staffordshire companies of the former Light Infantry and Mercian Volunteers. Any enquires regarding the Association may be addressed to your local branch.

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